How Strive7 Works...

          There are many acrobatic skills out there that are in a lot of athletes' skill range, but they do not know where to start or what to correct. Often times, our athletes find themselves watching online videos that say learn a skill in 10-minutes with very little direction and they become confused on what to do. Many studios also offer acrobatic classes, but athletes often see that they are not working individualized skills that best suit them. Having an acrobatic coach in a 1-on-1 lesson can help better direct them in a more positive and safe manner.

          With Strive7 you get to send in slow motion videos of acrobatic tricks to be broken down, reviewed, and given feedback on. You will be given different corrections and drills to better understand and practice the tricks.

          Skills can include, but are not limited to: cartwheels, back and front walkovers, side and front aerials, kip ups, front headsprings, parafuso, 540, butterfly, valdez, switch/spyder walkovers, raiz

*Athletes must be 8 years or older (athletes under the age of 8 attempting these high-level skills can be considered dangerous and unsafe)

  • Receive a detailed email breaking down corrections and any drills to practice. This is a great fast option for quick skill refinement or to gain a better understanding of where to start on skills.

    *Disclaimer: Not all corrections or drills may be understood through emails without visual walkthroughs.

  • Schedule a 20-minute online call that breaks down all the corrections. You will also be shown your videos played back to better understand what things need to be corrected. Many times, seeing your own videos played back with a coach is extremely helpful in understanding what you need to do in the air. After we are done, you will receive an email detailing everything we covered in the online call.

    *You will need a stable camera and internet connection.

  • Schedule a 30-minute online training session that breaks down all the corrections and allows you to try skills while in the call. You get to receive real-time feedback and corrections. You will also be able to ask questions and start training new skills. After we are done, you will receive an email detailing everything we covered in the online call.

    *You will need a stable camera and interest connection, as well as a large and safe place to attempt skills.

    *Since you are trying skills that you may fall and get hurt on, a responsible adult must be present and aware that you are practicing skills.

  • Schedule weekly 45-minute online lessons. You get to receive real-time feedback and corrections. You will also be able to ask questions and start training new skills. Through weekly lessons, you are able to keep consistent training and progress, as well as building a relationship of trust with your coach. After we are done, you will receive an email containing our video call and any information we covered in the lesson.

    *You will need a stable camera and interest connection, as well as a large and safe place to attempt skills.

    *Since you are trying skills that you may fall and get hurt on, a responsible adult must be present and aware that you are practicing skills.

Just need some quick at-home guidance?

Receive a pdf file containing:

  • Stretching lists and exercises
  • Workout lists for arms, legs, abs, and full body
  • Therapy and recovery lists for flexibility, ankles, wrists, shoulders, and hips
  • Lists of different acro skills to explore